Налогообложение Резидентов и Неризидентов в Казахстане
1.1 Fiscal
1.2 Taxation
1.2.1 MAJOR
2 Features of Residents and Nonresidents taxation
Features of Resident
2.2 Permanent establishment of a nonresident
2.3 Nonresidents’ income from sources in the
Republic of Kazakhstan
2.4 Procedure for the taxation of the income earned
by nonresident legal entities doing business without creating a
permanent establishment in the Republic of Kazakhstan
2.4.1 Procedure and
deadlines for the payment of income tax at the source of
2.4.2 Provisions
specific to the calculation and payment of income tax on
capital gains from the realization of securities
Procedure for the taxation of the income earned by nonresident legal entities
doing business through a permanent establishment
2.5.1 Procedure for taxation of the net income of a nonresident
legal entity from doing business through a permanent establishment
2.5.2 Procedure for taxation of the income of a nonresident legal
entity in certain cases
2.6 Procedure for the taxation of the income of income of
nonresident individual
Procedure for calculation and payment of the income
tax on a nonresident individual whose activities lead to the creation of a
permanent establishment
2.6.2 Procedure for the
taxation of a nonresident individual’s income in certain cases
2.6.3 Procedure and
deadlines for prepayment of the individual income tax
2.6.4 Statement of anticipated individual income tax and individual
income tax return
2.7 Special provisions regarding international agreements
2.7.1 Proportional
distribution of expenses method
2.7.2 Direct deduction of
expenses method
Procedure for payment of the income tax on income earned by nonresidents from
activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan not leading to the creation of a permanent
2.7.4 Procedure for the
application of an international agreement with respect to taxation of income
from providing transportation services in international shipping
2.7.5 Procedure for the
application of an international agreement with regard to the taxation of
dividends, interest, and royalties
2.7.6 Procedure for the
application of an international agreement with regard to the taxation of net
income from doing business through a permanent establishment
2.7.7 Procedure for the
application of an international agreement with regard to the taxation of other
income from sources in the Republic of Kazakhstan
2.7.8 General
requirements for the filing of a request to apply the provisions of an
international agreement
Appendix A
Appendix B
The taxes are a necessary part economic activity in a society from
the moment of occurrence the states. Development and change of the forms of the
state system always lead to transformation of tax system. Taxes – is basic
sources of incomes of the state in a modern civilized society. Besides this
especially financial function, taxes are used for economic influence of the
state on public manufacture, its structure, and on condition of scientific and
technical progress. Among economic levers,
through which the state influences market economy, the important place belongs
to the taxes. In conditions of market economy any state widely uses tax policy
as the regulator of influence on the negative event in the market. The taxes,
as well as all tax system, are the powerful tool of management of economy in
terms of the market. The application of the taxes is one of economic methods of
management and maintenance of interrelation of nation-wide interests with
commercial interests of the businessmen and enterprises, independent from
departmental subordination, patterns of ownership and legal form of the
With the help of the taxes determined the mutual relation of the
businessmen, enterprises of all forms is the properties with the state and
local budgets, with banks, and also with higher-level organizations. Through
the taxes the foreign trade activities are adjusted, include the attraction of
the foreign investments.
The tax system in Kazakhstan is
based on the Tax code enacted by the president’s Decree that has the force of
Law on Taxes and other obligatory Payments to the Budget The taxes are the
basic source of formation of a profitable part of the budget of Republic of
Kazakhstan. Not last role in it plays the taxes from the nonresidents.
According to the legislation on Kazakhstan foreign citizens - residents in the
Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) are subject to individual income taxation on their
worldwide income. Foreign citizens - nonresidents are subject to taxation only
on income received from Kazakhstan sources. The following types of
nonresidents’ income, among others, should be considered as received from
sources in Kazakhstan:
Income received from operations in the RK under
individual labor agreements (contracts) or under other agreements of a
civil-legal nature;
Directors fees and /or other payments received
by members of aboard of a resident legal entity, regardless of the place of the
actual performance of their functions;
Fringe benefits received in connection with
their assignment to Kazakhstan its rates;
Payment and other conditions are
regulated by the chapters 7, 10, 12, 15, 18 and other of Law on Taxes and other
obligatory Payments to the Budget. Taxation of foreign citizens in the RK is
also regulated by Conventions (agreements) on the avoidance of double taxation.
In case there is a Tax Convention signed between Kazakhstan and the other
foreign state, which may be applicable to a foreign employee, then the status
of residency is determined in compliance with this Convention. The Tax
Conventions do not regulate procedure of filing and regularity of tax payments.
However, based on the status of residency of a foreign employee determined by
the Tax Conventions specific reporting and taxation requirements stipulated by
the Kazakhstan tax legislation should be fulfilled with respect to residents or
nonresidents in the RK. In case the foreign employee is a resident of the other
foreign state, then he/she should be considered as a nonresident for taxation
purposes in Kazakhstan. In this case the foreign employee should file a
Certificate on the Estimated Personal In-come Tax and pay personal income tax
through the monthly transfer of advance payments. In case a foreign employee is
considered as a resident of Kazakhstan, then the statutory rules do not
contemplate filing of the Certificate on the Estimated Personal Income Tax and
contemplate in-come tax payment once a year at the time of filing the income
tax return from an individual for a year.
1.1 Fiscal
Fiscal (lat.
fiscalis - state) policy (politics) - is the aggregate of financial measures of
the state on regulation of the governmental incomes and expenditures. It
changes significant depending on put strategic tasks, as for example,
anticrisis regulation, maintenance high employment, struggle with inflation.
The modern fiscal policy defines basic directions of use of
financial resources of the state, means of financing and main sources of
updating of treasury. Depending on concrete - historical conditions in
different countries such policy (politics) has its own features. At the same
time in Developed Countries is used set of common measures. It includes
straight and indirect financial methods of regulation of economy.
To straight ways concern the means of budget regulation. By the
means of the state budget are financed:
expense on expanding of reproduction;
unproductive expenditures of the state;
development of an infrastructure, scientific
researches and etc.:
realization of structural policy (politics);
the support of military producers complex etc.
With help of indirect methods state influences on financial
opportunity of the manufacturers of the goods and services and on the demand
sizes of customer. The important role here plays the System Taxation. Changing
the rates of the taxes on various kinds of the incomes, giving tax privileges,
reducing free minimum of the incomes etc., state aspires to achieve probably
steadier rates of economic Growth and to avoid sharp rises and falls of
To number of the important indirect methods assisting accumulation
of the capital, is the policy (politics) of the accelerated amortization. On
the essence, the state exempts the businessmen from payment taxes with part of
the profit, is artificial redistribute it in amortization fund. So, in Germany
in the beginning 70 years on a number of industries on amortization it was
authorized to write off till 20-30 of % of cost of a fixed capital in one year.
In Great Britain in first year of introduction in using of the new equipment it
was possible to deduct in fund of amortization 50 % of cost new instruments of
However in these cases the amortization is written off in the sizes,
that significant exceeding the valid deterioration basic capital, in
consequences the raise of price on made with the help of this equipment
production. If accelerated amortization expands financial opportunities of the
businessmen, simultaneously it deteriorates the condition of realization of
production and reduces purchasing power of population.
Depending on character of use direct and indirect financial methods
distinguish two kinds of fiscal policy of the state:
b) Non-discretion.
a) Discretion (lat. discrecio - working on itself discretion)
the policy (politics) means the following. The state consciously regulates its
expenditure and taxation with the purposes of improvements economic of
situation of the country. At the same time government takes into account the
following checked up on practice functional dependences between financial
The first
dependence: the growth of the state expenditures increases cumulative demand
(consumption and investments). Thereof increase output and employment of the
population. Is important to take into account, that state expenditures
influence on cumulative demand the same as to investments (work as the animator
of investment which has developed J. Keynes). The animator state expenditures
MG shows, how much grows total national product D GNP in result of increase of
these expenditures DG:
It is natural, that at reduction of state expenses G reduces the
volume of GNP.
Other functional dependence shows, that increase the sums of the
taxes are reduced the personal available income of household. In this case are
reduced demand and volume of production and employment of a labor. And on the
contrary: decrease (reduction) of the taxes conducts to increase of the
consumer expenditures, production and employment.
The change of the taxation gives multiply effect. However the
multiplier of the taxes is less than the multiplier of the investments and
state expenditures. Actually increase in unit of a gain of the investments (and
state expenditures) is directly influenced on increase in the volume of the
GNP. At reduction of taxes, grows available income, however part it goes on the
consumption, and stayed share is spent for the savings.
Mentioned functional dependences are used in discretion policy
(politics) of the state for influence on business cycle. Certainly, this policy
(politics) differs on different phases of a cycle.
For example, at
crisis the policy (politics) of economic growth will be carried out.
In interests of
growth GNP the state expenditures are increased, the taxes are reduced, and the
growth of the expenditures is combined with reduction the taxes so that
multiply effect on state expenses was more than multiply effect of the taxes. A
result is reduction of recession of manufacture.
When there is an inflationary growth of manufacture (rise, induced
by surplus of demand), the government will carry out policy (politics) that
hold back business activity - reduces the state expenditures, increases the taxes.
These measures are combined so that multiply effect of reduction of the
expenditures was more, than multiplier of growth of the taxes. In result the
cumulative demand is reduced and volume GNP accordingly decreases.
b) The second kind of fiscal policy - non-discretion, or
policy of the automatic (built - in) stabilizers. The automatic stabilizer -
economic mechanism, which without assistance of the state eliminates an adverse
situation on different phases business cycle. Basic built - in stabilizers are
tax receipt and social payments that are carried out by the state.
On a phase of rise, naturally, the incomes of firms and population
grow. But at the progressive taxation the sums of the taxes increased even
faster. In this period the unemployment is reduced, well being of needy
families is improved. Hence, decrease the payments of the unemployment benefits
and others social expenditures of the state. In a result the cumulative demand
is reduced, and it constrains economic growth.]
The tendency of transfer payment spending to rise during
recessions and fall during expansions results from the bases on which people
qualify to receive these payments. People qualify to receive welfare programs
only if their income falls below a certain level. They qualify for unemployment
compensation by losing their jobs. When the economy expands, incomes and
employment rise, and fewer people qualify for welfare or unemployment benefits.
Spending for those programs therefore tends to fall. When economic activity
falls, incomes fall. people lose jobs, and more people qualify for aid, so
spending for these programs rises.
Taxes affect the relationship between
real GDP and personal disposable income they therefore affect consumption
expenditures. They also influence investment decisions. Taxes imposed on firms
affect the profitability of investment decisions and therefore affect the
levels of investment firms will choose. Payroll taxes imposed on firms affect
the costs of hiring workers; they therefore have -impact on employment and on
the real wages earned by workers.
Exhibit below compares government revenues to government
expenditures since I996. We see that government spending in Kazakhstan has
systematically exceeded revenues, revealing an underlying fiscal deficit
between 4 percent and almost 9 percent of GDP, entailing substantial public
sector borrowing requirements. Until 1994, fiscal deficit had essentially
financed through monetary expansion by the Central bank, with a highly
detrimental effect on the rate of inflation during the period. Since then, the
National Bank of Kazakhstan has adopted a more independent monetary policy, and
fiscal deficits have basically financed either by the proceeds from
privatization of state assets or by borrowing foreign loans.
Sources: Statistics Agency of RK, 2001
On a phase of crisis tax receipts automatically fall and
reduced the sum of withdrawals from the incomes of firms and households.
Simultaneously grow payments of social character, including unemployment
At result the
purchasing power of the population is increased, that helps to overcoming
recession of economy.
From mentioned above it is visible, how large place occupies
taxation in financial regulation of macroeconomic. So we can conclude that the
main direction of fiscal policy of the state is improving the legislations and
practice collection of tax.
take example for the most important version of the taxes – the income tax,
which is established on the incomes of physical persons and on profit of firms.
How the size of this tax is defined (determined)?
First is counted the total income - sum of all incomes that are
getting by the physical and legal entities from different sources. From the
total income by the legislation it is usual it is authorized deduct: 1)
industrial, transport, the travelers and advertising expenditures; 2) various
tax privileges (free minimum of the incomes; for example, in USA in 1990 this
minimum was 2050 dollars; the sums of the donations, privilege for the pensioners,
disable people etc.). Thus, taxed income is a difference between the total
income and the specified deductions.
It is important to establish optimum tax rate (size of the tax on
unit of taxation). The following rates of the tax differ:
· hard, which are
established on unit of object independently on its cost (for example, motor
· proportional,
i.e. uniform percent(interest) of payment of the taxes independently on the
sizes of the incomes;
· progressive,
growing with increase of the incomes.
The practice shows, that at the extremely high rates of taxes
discourages to work and to the innovation. Sharp increase in 60-70-е years in western countries of tax burden
has resulted the negative consequences. It has caused " Tax revolts
", wide evasion from the taxes, promoted outflow of the capitals and
flight of the addressees of the high personal incomes in the countries with one
lower level of the taxation.
As it is known, in 70’s neo-conservators have put forward the theory
of Supply. Its authors have established, that growth of the taxation renders
adverse influence on dynamics of manufacture and incomes. Increase of the taxes
at the expense of increase of their rates on certain stage does not compensate
reduction of receipts in the state budget because of fast narrowing taxed
incomes, and then it can be accompanied also by reduction of total sums of the
budget incomes. In a result the high taxes render constraining influence on the
offer of the capital, work and savings.
Basic task of economic policy representatives of the theory of
Supply consider determining the optimum rates of taxation and both tax
privileges and payments. Decrease (reduction) of the taxes is considered as a
means capable to ensure Long-term economic growth and struggle with inflation.
It will strengthen aspiration to receive huge incomes, will render the
stimulating influence will increase by growth of production.
As required by the Constitution of Kazakhstan, within the tax system
of Kazakhstan, any taxes, levies, and other obligatory payments may be
established only by the laws enacted by the Parliament of the Republic of
Kazakhstan. Parliament may not delegate its constitutional powers to establish
the tax system, taxes or levies, and sanctions for tax violations to the
government or any other authority. Under the Constitution, laws in general and
tax laws in particular enter into effect after the President signs them.
Tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan consists of the Tax
Code and Normative Legal Acts, and is regulated by International Agreements.
Tax legislation is based on the principles of the mandatory nature of payment
of taxes and other mandatory payments to revenue, certainty and equity of
taxation, unity of the tax system and publicity of tax legislation. The Tax
Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan establishes Kazakhstan taxes, levies, and
general tax principles. A tax takes largest share of budget revenues (Appendix
Companies formed in Kazakhstan under Kazakhstan law are taxed on world-wide
income. Income earned by a foreign company or person through a permanent
establishment in Kazakhstan is taxed in Kazakhstan. Branches of foreign
entities are taxed on Kazakhstan source income (where services are performed,
not where paid for). Income from a Kazakhstan source to a non-resident and not
related to a permanent establishment, is taxed at the source of the payment,
and further, on the total income without deductions, excluding labor that is
taxed as personal income.
Tax Treaties In December 1996, a treaty on
the Avoidance of Double Taxation between the United States and Kazakhstan came
into force. A number of treaties on the avoidance of double taxation were
ratified in 1998. This includes agreements with the following countries: the
Czech Republic (November 1998), France (November 1998), Sweden (July 1998),
Bulgaria (July 1998), Turkmenistan (July 1998), Georgia (July 1998), Republic
of Korea (July 1998), Germany (November 1998), and Belgium (November 1998).
Kazakhstan has
double tax treaties with more than 20 countries, which generally follow the
OECD Model Income Tax Convention.
Tax Rates for Treaty Countries
Country of Recipient
Major Rate
Legislative Rate
Major Holding
Czech Republic
Czech Republic
South Korea
a. Source: Guide
on Taxation and Investment in Kazakhstan in 2002, Deloitte & Touche
taxation treaties with 9 countries listed below are ratified only by
Tax payment is based on the calendar year, with annual declarations
due by end March of the following year (and tax payment within ten days of
declaration). Annual financial statements are due April 30 following the
reporting year.
Kazakhstan Tax Code, enacted in April 1995, currently apple an
international taxation model based on principles of equity, economic neutrality
and simplicity. The Parliament approved amendments to the Tax Code by a law
dated July 16, 1999; the law was published and became effective August 3, 1999. Following amendments were made in 01 July
2001 and the New Tax Code has become effective January 1, 2002. The
Ministry of State Revenues issued tax instructions clarifying the determination
and payment of taxes. Resident persons and local enterprises pay taxes on
worldwide income; foreign enterprises and non-residents pay taxes only on
income from local sources. One is a resident and tax-liable for both direct and
indirect income in Kazakhstan if he/she has been physically present in
Kazakhstan for 183 days in any consecutive 12-month period.
The penalty for violation of foreign currency regulations
constitutes 20 percent of the transaction amount. There are no limitations on
the penalty amount to be charged.
All tax laws must
be contained in the Tax Code, which covers taxation at all levels of
government: central, oblast and local.
Enterprise Profits Tax is levied on legal entities at the rate of
30%, but 20% in SEZs, and 10% on direct use of land as a sole production asset.
All Kazakhstan and foreign legal entities doing business through a permanent
establishment must register with the tax authorities regardless of whether they
will pay taxes in Kazakhstan or not. Enterprise-related provisions in the Tax
Code include: withholding on dividends and interest (15%); taxes on royalties,
rentals and service fees; excise and local taxes, and land (10%), property and
vehicle taxes; business registration fees, and fees to engage in selected
activities. Branches of foreign enterprises operating in Kazakhstan pay a
"branch profits tax" applied to their after-tax income. Most business
expenses are deductible, including wages, but there are limits on deductibility
of reserves for bad debts (actual losses deductible), and research and
development. Depreciation is based on pooled asset accounts. Losses can be
carried forward for three years.
Individual Income Tax: Individuals resident in Kazakhstan are subject to
personal income taxation on their worldwide income. Nonresident
individuals are subject to taxation only on
income from Kazakhstan sources. Marginal rates after a small basic
deduction, range from 5% to 30% with top rates applied to incomes over $33,700
per year. Most tax is withheld at the source of payment. The tax applies to
non-residents' income that is sourced in Kazakhstan only, and to residents'
income worldwide, including interest, dividends, capital gains and other
income. Taxable income from a Kazakhstan source includes income received under
a contract for work or from provision of services, when performed in
Kazakhstan, regardless of where it is actually paid. Foreigners must register
with local tax authorities and receive a Tax Registration Number within ten
days of beginning work under contract in Kazakhstan, or when they become
otherwise tax liable as a resident, or receive Kazakhstan sourced income at 500
times a monthly computed basis (about $4,500/year). Foreigners paid abroad must
make quarterly estimated payments of income tax and a yearly income tax
declaration (due March 31st following the tax year). Foreigners paid locally
will have their individual income tax withheld at the source of payment and
sent to the Budget by the employers.
Value Added Tax (VAT) applicable to all
goods, work and services, including imports to Kazakhstan. The VAT on imports
is usually 16%, and applies to services and goods. Credit for VAT paid on
inputs, including Capital investment, is offset against tax on sales. No VAT is
paid on exports except to other CIS countries, where by agreement, exports are
fully taxed and imports are not taxed (origin principle).
The article
provides that sales of textile, sewing, leather processing, and shoe industry
products will be zero-rated (0 percent VAT on sales) for residents of
Kazakhstan for sales within Kazakhstan. This change represents an important
stimulus for the domestic light industry development.
Natural Resources Taxes include:
bonuses paid for the right to resource exploration, royalties paid for the
privilege of exploitation and excess profits taxes paid when profits exceed
amounts anticipated in setting royalties. Tax rates are set by the Cabinet of
Ministers and differ among resources, and are unique to each location and
taxpayer. Prohibited: special benefits including lock-in of profits tax rates
at conclusion of a Production Sharing Agreement (contract).
Securities Transaction Tax on new issues
of non-government securities, including stocks and bonds: 0.5% of nominal
value. Proceeds from secondary transactions are taxed at 0.3%, and 0.1% for
government securities. Issuer is liable for tax on initial issues; buyer is
liable for tax on secondary transactions.
Unified Land Tax is levied on peasants and farmers
who use private or leased land in their business. The payers of the unified
land tax are exempt from corporate income tax, VAT on sales, land tax,
transport tax, and property tax. The rate of the unified land tax is set at 0.1
percent of the appraised land value (determined by the Land Committee).
Other Taxes: A fee for the use of the
words "National," "Kazakhstan," "Republic," and their derivatives has been included into the list of taxes
in the Tax Code, Business assets are taxed at 0.5% yearly, and individual-owned
real estate is taxed at 0.1%. Vehicles
are taxed annually depending on vehicle type and engine size.
Double Taxation. A foreigner won't be
taxed in Kazakhstan if:
- he/she is
present in the country for less than 183 days in a year and
- his/her income
is paid by a non-resident of Kazakhstan and
- his/her income
is not taken as a deduction in computing corporate income tax by a
permanent establishment in Kazakhstan.
In not distinct
cases, where the person is liable to taxation by law in his/her own country and
in Kazakhstan, he/she is deemed to reside where he/he has a permanent home, or
if he/she has a permanent home in both places, where his/her personal and
economic relationships are centered, or in case this cannot be determined,
where he/she currently lives and works ("habitual abode"). An
individual may offset income tax paid in Kazakhstan against tax owing in
his/her home country.
Payments applicable to businesses
Pension Contributions:
Employers must pay two categories of pension payment:
of payroll paid by companies monthly to the State Center for Pension Payments
to be spent on existing pensioners and on state pensions for current employees;
10% of employees'
gross salaries, not affecting the net pay, transferred for each employee to an
accumulation pension fund of that employee's choice.
Excise :Excise
duty is imposed on taxable items produced in, or imported into, Kazakhstan as
well as on certain types of activities. Excise duty is imposed on alcohol and
tobacco products, motor fuels, diesel, motor vehicles, salmon and sturgeon roe,
firearms, crude oil and jewelry. Excise duty is also imposed on gambling
businesses and lotteries.
Excise duty is imposed on alcohol
articles covered by Harmonized System numbers 2204 (wine from fresh grapes),
2205 (vermouth and other wines from fresh grapes flavored with plants or
aromatic substances), 2206 (other fermented beverages), 2207 and 2208 (ethyl
alcohol, spirits, liqueurs and other alcoholic beverages). Excise duty for
alcohol products is levied at various rates in KZT per liter.
Excise duty is imposed on tobacco articles
covered by Harmonized System numbers 2402 (cigars, cheroots and cigarettes),
2403 (other manufactured tobacco and tobacco substitutes, tobacco extracts and
essences). Excise duty for tobacco products is levied at various rates in
Euros per 1000 items.
Excise duty is imposed on certain motor
fuels covered by Harmonized System number 2710 (diesel, gasoline and jet engine
fuels). Excise duty for motor fuels is levied at various rates in EURO per
1000 kg.
Excise duty is imposed on motor vehicles
covered by Harmonized System numbers 8703 (motor cars and other vehicles
designed for the transportation of persons). Excise duty for motor vehicles is
levied at various rates normally in EURO per vehicle’s engine bulk or customs
Such taxes as corporate income tax, value added tax, personal income
tax, and excise taxes account for the largest portion of budget revenues
(Appendix B).
Features of
Residents and Nonresidents taxation
2.1 Features of Resident
Residents of the Republic of
Kazakhstan are individuals who reside permanently in the Republic of
Kazakhstan, or whose center of vital interests is located in the Republic of
Kazakhstan. An individual shall be considered to reside permanently in the
Republic of Kazakhstan for the current tax period if he spends at least 183 calendar
days in any consecutive 12-month period ending in the current tax period in the
Republic of Kazakhstan. An individual shall also be considered to reside
permanently in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the current tax period if the
number of days spent in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the current tax period
and the preceding two tax periods, determined by applying the following
coefficients to each tax period, is equal to at least 183 calendar days:
1 – the number of
days spent in the current tax period;
1/3 – the number
of days spent in the tax period immediately preceding the current tax period;
1/6 – the number
of days spent in the tax period before the one immediately preceding the
current tax period.
If an individual has lived in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the
current tax period for fewer than 30 calendar days, said individual shall not
be considered to reside permanently in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In addition,
an individual shall be considered a nonresident for the period following the
last day spent in the Republic of Kazakhstan, unless said person becomes a
resident in the year following the year in which the person’s stay in the
Republic of Kazakhstan ended.
An individual’s center of vital interests shall be considered to be
located in the Republic of Kazakhstan if the following conditions are met
1) an individual
is a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan or has a permit to reside in the
Republic of Kazakhstan (residency permit);
2) an individual’s
family and/or close relatives reside in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) real property
owned by an individual and/or members of his family or held by them on some
other basis is located in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the individual has
access to it at any time for use as a residence for himself and/or members of
his family.
Individuals who fall into the following categories and who are
citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan or who have filed an application for
citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan or for a permit to reside permanently
in the Republic of Kazakhstan without becoming a citizen of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, shall be considered resident individuals, regardless of the time
spent in the Republic of Kazakhstan and any other criteria provided below:
persons sent abroad on official business by government agencies,
including employees of diplomatic and consular institutions and international
organizations, as well as family members of said individuals;
crew members of means of transport belonging to legal entities or
citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which make regular international trips;
military and civilian personnel at military bases and those serving
in military units, groups, contingents, or formations deployed outside the
Republic of Kazakhstan;
persons working at facilities located outside the Republic of
Kazakhstan which are owned by the Republic of Kazakhstan or constituent
territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan (including on the basis of concession
students and persons undergoing on-the-job and practical training
outside the Republic of Kazakhstan for educational purposes or to gain
practical experience, for the entire period of instruction or practical
teachers and scientific personnel located outside the Republic of
Kazakhstan for the purpose of teaching, consulting, or performing scientific
work, for the entire period they are teaching or performing said work.
Also legal entities established in accordance with the legislation
of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and/or other legal entities whose effective
headquarters (or actual administrative offices) are located in the Republic of
Kazakhstan, shall also be considered residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Effective headquarters (or actual administrative offices) shall be understood to
mean the place where the principal management takes place and where strategic
commercial decisions are made which are necessary for the performance of a
legal entity’s entrepreneurial activity.
2.2 Permanent establishment of a
A permanent establishment of a nonresident in the Republic of
Kazakhstan shall be defined as a place of business through which the
nonresident performs all or part of its entrepreneurial activity, including
activity performed through an authorized person, and specifically:
1) any place of doing business related to the production,
processing, assembly, packaging, delivery, or realization of goods, regardless
of the duration of the activity;
2) any management office, branch, division, representative office,
bureau, office, agency, factory, workshop, production shop, laboratory, store,
or warehouse of a nonresident, regardless of the duration of the activity;
3) any place of doing business related to the extraction of natural
resources, including the extraction of hydrocarbons: an underground mine, a
quarry, an oil and/or gas well, an open-pit mine, land-based or offshore
derricks and/or wells, regardless of the duration of the activity;
4) any place of doing business (including monitoring or supervisory
activity) related to a pipeline, gas line, the exploration and/or development
of natural resources, the installation, set-up, assembly, start-up, adjustment,
and/or servicing of equipment, regardless of the duration of the activity;
5) any other place of doing business related to the operation of
slot machines (including accessories), computer networks and communications
channels, amusement parks, the transportation or other infrastructure,
regardless of the duration of the activity.
A construction site, an installation or assembly project, and the
performance of planning work shall constitute a permanent establishment
regardless of the duration of the work. In this context a construction site
(project) shall be understood to mean specifically the place where work is
performed to erect and/or renovate real property, including the construction of
buildings and structures and/or the performance of installation work, the
construction and/or rebuilding of bridges, roads, and canals, the laying of
pipelines, the installation of power engineering, industrial, and other
equipment, and/or the performance of other similar work. A construction site
(project) shall cease to exist as of the day following the day on which the
operating certificate for the project (or the acceptance certificate for the
work performed) is signed and the construction has been paid for in full.
A nonresident shall also create a permanent establishment in the
Republic of Kazakhstan if the nonresident:
1) collects insurance premiums and/or provides insurance or reinsurance
coverage for risks in the Republic of Kazakhstan through an authorized agent;
2) provides services on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan
continuously for more than 90 calendar days in any consecutive 12-month period
ending in the given tax period, through employees or personnel hired for these
3) is a participant in a simple partnership (joint operating
agreement) created in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of
Kazakhstan and operating on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4) holds exhibitions in the Republic of Kazakhstan for a fee and/or
at which goods are sold;
5) on the basis of a contractual relationship grants a resident or
nonresident the right to represent its interests in the Republic of Kazakhstan,
or to act or conclude contracts (agreements, accords) on its behalf.
2.3 Nonresidents’ income from sources in the Republic of Kazakhstan
The following
types of income shall be considered nonresidents’ income from sources in the
Republic of Kazakhstan:
1) income from the realization of goods, the performance of work, or
the delivery of services in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) income earned from management, financial (with the exception of
services involving the insurance and/or reinsurance of risks), consulting,
auditing, marketing, legal (with the exception of attorney’s services), agency,
and information services provided to residents or nonresidents doing business
in the Republic of Kazakhstan through a permanent establishment, and related to
said permanent establishment, regardless of where the services are actually
3) capital gains resulting from:
the realization of
property located on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
the realization of
securities issued by residents, as well as a share interest in a resident legal
entity or in property located in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4) income from concession of the right of claim on a debt to residents
or nonresidents in connection with doing business in the Republic of Kazakhstan
through a permanent establishment;
5) charges (fines, penalties) for failure to fulfill or improper
fulfillment of obligations by residents and nonresidents, which have arisen in
the course of operations by said nonresidents in the Republic of Kazakhstan,
including obligations under contracts (agreements, accords) for the performance
of work (delivery of services) and/or under foreign trade contracts for the
delivery of goods;
6) income in the form of dividends received from a resident legal
entity, and income from a share interest in such a legal entity;
7) income in the form of interest, with the exception of interest on
debt securities, received from:
nonresidents with
a permanent establishment or property located in the Republic of Kazakhstan, if
the debt owed by these nonresidents applies to their permanent establishment or
8) income in the form of interest on debt securities, received from:
resident issuers;
nonresident issuers with a permanent establishment or property
located in the Republic of Kazakhstan, if the debt owed by these nonresidents
applies to their permanent establishment or property;
9) income in the form of royalties received from residents or
nonresidents in connection with doing business in the Republic of Kazakhstan
through a permanent establishment;
10) income from the leasing of property located in the Republic of
11) income earned from real property located in the Republic of
12) income in the form of insurance premiums paid under agreements
for the insurance or reinsurance of risks arising in the Republic of
13) income from providing transportation services for international
shipments, one of the parties of which is the Republic of Kazakhstan;
14) income from operations in the Republic of Kazakhstan under
individual labor agreements (contracts) or under other agreements of a
civil-legal nature;
15) honoraria for managers and/or other payments received by members
of a top administrative body (council of directors, board, or other similar
body) of a resident legal entity, regardless of where the actual performance of
the administrative duties assigned to such persons takes place;
16) supplemental payments made in connection with residing in the
Republic of Kazakhstan;
17) income in the form of compensation for expenditures borne by an
employer to provide material and social benefits or other material advantages
to nonresident individuals working in the Republic of Kazakhstan, including
expenditures on meals, housing, enrollment of children at educational
institutions, and expenses related to leisure activities, including vacation
travel for their family members;
18) pension payments effected by resident pension savings funds;
19) income paid to people employed in the arts: theater, film, radio
and television performers, musicians, artists, and athletes from activities in
the Republic of Kazakhstan, regardless of the person to whom payments are made;
20) winnings paid by residents;
21) income earned from providing independent personal (professional)
services in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
22) income in the form of property located in the Republic of
Kazakhstan that is received free of charge, including income from such
23) other income not covered under the preceding subitems that
arises on the basis of activities performed in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Income earned by a nonresident legal entity that defined above that
is not related to a permanent establishment in the Republic of Kazakhstan shall
be subject to the income tax at the source of payment without any deductions,
at the rates set below.
Rates for the income tax at the source of payment
The income of a nonresident from sources in the Republic of
Kazakhstan not related to a permanent establishment shall be subject to
taxation at the source of payment at the following rates:
1) dividends,
income from a share interest, and interest income
15 percent
2) insurance
premiums paid under agreements for the insurance of risks
10 percent
3) insurance
premiums paid under agreements for the reinsurance of risks
5 percent
4) income from
providing transportation services in international shipments
5 percent
5) income
defined under Article 178 of Tax Code of RK, with the exception of income
referred to in subitems 1)–4) of this article
20 percent
The payment of income shall be defined as the mean the transfer of
money in cash and/or noncash form, securities, goods, property, and the
performance of work or delivery of services. The following shall not be subject
to taxation at the source of payment:
1) payments
related to the delivery of goods onto the territory of the Republic of
Kazakhstan under foreign trade transactions;
2) income from
providing services related to the opening and maintenance of correspondent
accounts of resident banks and the performance of settlements on them;
3) capital gains
from the realization of securities;
4) income from
operations with government securities;
5) payments
related to an adjustment, based on quality, in the selling price of crude oil
transported via the unified pipeline system outside the Republic of Kazakhstan;
6) interest
accumulated (accrued) on debt securities paid by resident buyers (not issuers)
to nonresidents at the time of their purchase.
taxation of a nonresident’s income at the source of payment shall be effected
regardless of whether said nonresident turns over this income to third parties
and/or to its subdivisions in other states. The procedure for the calculation
and withholding of income tax at the source of payment from interest on debt
securities shall be established by the authorized government agency. The person
paying income (including a nonresident doing business in the Republic of
Kazakhstan through a permanent establishment) is liable and responsible for the
calculation and withholding of the income tax at the source of payment, and for
payment of the tax to the state budget. Such a person shall be recognized as a
tax agent in accordance with item 1 of Article 10 of Tax Code. A nonresident
shall be recognized as a tax agent as of the moment said person begins doing
business in the Republic of Kazakhstan, if its period of operation exceeds that
established for the creation of a permanent establishment. The income tax shall
be withheld at the source of payment regardless of the form and place of
payment of the income.
2.4.1 Procedure
and deadlines for the payment of income tax at the source of payment
Income tax withheld from the income of a nonresident legal entity at
the source of payment shall be payable to the state budget:
1) on the amount
of income paid – within five business days of the end of the month in which
payment was effected;
2) on the amount
of income accrued but not paid, when the income is taken as a deduction, within
ten business days of the deadline established for the filing of a corporate
income tax return.
The provision of this subitem shall not extend to interest on debt
securities, the maturities of which fall after expiration of the deadline
established by this subitem.
Tax agents shall be required to file a statement of income tax
withheld at the source of payment with tax authorities where they are
registered, on a quarterly basis no later than the 15th of the month
following the reporting quarter in which an obligation to withhold income tax
at the source of payment occurred.
2.4.2 Provisions specific to the
calculation and payment of income tax on capital gains from the realization of
A nonresident’s income from capital gains resulting from the
realization of securities issued by residents shall be subject to taxation at
the rate established under Article 180 of Tax Code, with the exception of
capital gains from the realization of stocks and bonds that are on the stock
exchange’s official “A” and “B” lists. The corporate income tax shall be
calculated independently by the nonresident legal entity, the tax shall be
payable within ten business days of the moment at which the income was
received, and the filing of a corporate income tax return with the tax
authority where the issuer is registered shall be required.
The procedure for determination of the taxable income, and for the
calculation and payment of the corporate income tax on a nonresident legal
entity doing business in the Republic of Kazakhstan through a permanent
establishment, shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of
Articles 79–135 of Tax Code of RK.
The income of a nonresident legal entity shall include all types of
income related to the operation of the permanent establishment.
If a nonresident legal entity does business in the Republic of
Kazakhstan that is analogous or similar to that which is performed through a
permanent establishment, the income from that business shall be treated as
income from doing business through the permanent establishment.
Expenses related directly to earning income from doing business in
the Republic of Kazakhstan through a permanent establishment shall be
deductible, regardless of whether they were incurred in the Republic of
Kazakhstan or outside its borders, with the exception of expenses that may not
be taken as a deduction in accordance with this Code.
A nonresident legal entity shall not have the right to deduct the
following amounts charged to a permanent establishment in the form of:
1) royalties,
honoraria, fees, and other payments for the use of or granting the right to use
property or intellectual property of the given nonresident legal entity;
2) commission
income for services;
3) interest on
loans granted by the given nonresident legal entity;
4) expenditures
not related to earning income from the nonresident legal entity’s operations in
the Republic of Kazakhstan;
5) expenditures that are not
6) management and
general administrative expenses of the nonresident legal entity incurred
outside the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2.5.1 Procedure for taxation of the net income of a nonresident legal
entity from doing business through a permanent establishment
net income of a nonresident legal entity from doing business in the Republic of
Kazakhstan through a permanent establishment shall be subject to taxation at
the rate of 15 percent. (Net income shall be understood to mean taxable income,
less the amount of corporate income tax assessed.) The amount of tax assessed
on net income shall be reflected in the corporate income tax return.
A nonresident legal entity shall be required to pay the tax on net
income from doing business through a permanent establishment within ten
business days of the deadline established for the filing of the corporate
income tax return.
2.5.2 Procedure for taxation of the income of a nonresident legal
entity in certain cases
The income of a nonresident legal entity that is not registered with
a tax authority, which it has earned from doing business in the Republic of
Kazakhstan through a permanent establishment, shall be subject to the income
tax at the source of payment without any deductions.
The income tax
withheld at the source of payment by a tax agent shall be credited against the
discharge of the tax obligations of a nonresident doing business through a
permanent establishment.
The income of a nonresident individual, as defined above, which is
not related to a permanent establishment of said individual, should be subject
to taxation at the source of payment following the procedure and within the
deadlines specified by the provisions of Articles 179–181 of Tax Code of RK,
with the exception of:
1) income from
individual entrepreneurial activity through a permanent establishment in the
Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) interest on
bank deposits;
3) payments
related to the delivery of goods onto the territory of the Republic of
Kazakhstan under foreign trade transactions;
4) capital gains
from the realization of securities;
5) income from
operations with government securities;
6) interest
accumulated (accrued) on debt securities at the time of their purchase, paid by
resident buyers (not issuers) to nonresidents.
The obligation and responsibility for the calculation and
withholding of the income tax at the source of payment, and for payment of the
tax to the state budget, shall be assigned to the person paying the income
(including a nonresident doing business in the Republic of Kazakhstan through a
permanent establishment). Such a person shall be recognized as a tax agent in
accordance with item 1 of Article 10 of Tax Code of RK.A nonresident shall be
recognized as a tax agent as of the moment said person begins doing business in
the Republic of Kazakhstan, if its period of operation exceeds that established
for the creation of a permanent establishment. The income tax shall be withheld
at the source of payment by a tax agent regardless of the form and place of
payment of the income.
Filing of tax
Tax agents shall be required to file a statement of income tax
withheld at the source of payment with tax authorities where they are
registered within the deadlines established under Article 182 of Tax Code of
2.6.1 Procedure for calculation and payment of the income tax on a
nonresident individual whose activities lead to the creation of a permanent
A nonresident individual who is engaged in individual
entrepreneurial activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan through a permanent
establishment shall be a payer of the individual income tax with regard to
income related to said activity, less deductions directly tied to this income,
with the exception of expenses that are not deductible in accordance with item
5 of Article 184 and the provisions of Tax Code. Dependent personal services
(work for hire) provided by a nonresident individual shall not lead to the
creation of a permanent establishment of said individual.
2.6.2 Procedure for the taxation of a nonresident individual’s
income in certain cases
The income earned by a nonresident individual from sources in the
Republic of Kazakhstan that is not subject to the income tax at the source of
payment and that is not related to a permanent establishment of said
individual, including capital gains from the realization of securities issued
by residents, shall be subject to taxation, without taking any deductions, at
the rates established under Article 180 of Tax Code. Capital gains from the
realization of stocks and bonds that are on the stock exchange’s official “A”
and “B” lists shall not be subject to taxation. The calculation and payment of
the individual income tax shall be performed by a nonresident individual
independently within the deadlines established under item 5 of Article 191 of
Tax Code.
2.6.3 Procedure and deadlines for prepayment of the individual
income tax
following nonresident individuals shall pay the individual income tax by making
1) nonresident
individuals earning income from individual entrepreneurial activity in the
Republic of Kazakhstan through a permanent establishment;
2) nonresident
individuals earning income defined under subitems 14)–17) of Article 178 of Tax
Code, including other income defined under Articles 149–151 of Tax Code, with
the exception of income subject to the income tax at the source of payment.
Prepayments of the individual income tax for the period of operation
shall be made by a nonresident individual mentioned above, following the
procedure and within the deadlines established by Tax Code. The amount of
prepayments of the individual income tax, which are payable in equal
installments during the period that a nonresident is doing business in the
Republic of Kazakhstan, shall be determined on the basis of the amount of tax
indicated in a statement of the anticipated amount of individual income tax.
Nonresident individuals referred to in subitem 2) shall be required to attach
to the statement of the anticipated amount of individual income tax an
individual labor agreement (contract) or other agreement of a civil-legal
nature confirming the declared amount of taxable income. Prepayments that are
made shall be credited against the payment of the individual income tax owed by
a nonresident individual for the current tax period. A final settlement and
payment of individual income tax shall be effected within ten business days of
the date an individual income tax return for the tax period is filed, but not
later than ten business day prior to departure from the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2.6.4 Statement of anticipated individual income tax and individual
income tax return
Nonresident individuals referred to in Article 191 of Tax Code of
RK shall be required to file with tax authorities serving the area where they
are staying a statement of the anticipated amount of individual income tax for
the period they are in operation, no later than 30 business days from the date
of their arrival in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The following nonresident
individuals shall file an individual income tax return with tax authorities
serving the area where they are staying within the deadline established under
Article 172 of this Code, or in the event of the termination of their
entrepreneurial activity and their departure from the Republic of Kazakhstan
during the current tax period, no later than ten business days prior to their
those earning
income from sources in the Republic of Kazakhstan that is not subject to the
income tax at the source of payment;
those engaged in
entrepreneurial activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan for more than 30
calendar days or earning income from sources in the Republic of Kazakhstan in
excess of 500 times the monthly index factor during the tax period.
Tax Code of RK gives provisions of an international agreement to avoid dual
taxation and prevent evasion of taxation of income or property (capital) to
which the Republic of Kazakhstan is a party (referred to hereinafter as an
international agreement for the purposes of Articles 193–204 of Tax Code of RK)
shall apply to persons who are residents of one or both of the states that have
concluded such an agreement. This statement does not extend to a resident of a
state with which an international agreement has been concluded if this resident
uses the provisions of the international agreement in the interests of another
person who is not a resident of a state with which an international agreement
has been concluded. The administration of international agreements shall be
carried out following the procedure established by the authorized government
agency in accordance with the provisions of Articles 193–204 of Tax Code.
If the provisions of an international agreement regarding the
determination of taxable income of a nonresident legal entity from doing
business in the Republic of Kazakhstan through a permanent establishment allow
for the deduction of management and general administrative expenses incurred
for the purpose of earning said taxable income both in the Republic of
Kazakhstan and outside its borders, one of the following methods shall be used
to determine these expenses:
1) The proportional distribution of expenses method;
2) The direct deduction of expenses method.
nonresident legal entity may choose for itself one of these methods for the
deduction of management and general administrative expenses. The method chosen
for the deduction of management and general administrative expenses charged to
a permanent establishment (including the procedure for calculation of the index
factor used in the proportional distribution of expenses method) shall be
applied annually and may be changed only with the approval of a tax authority.
Proportional distribution of expenses method
When the proportional distribution of expenses method is used, the
amount of management and general administrative expenses referred to in Article
195 of Tax Code of RK that are charged to a permanent establishment as a
deduction shall be determined as the product of these expenses and the index
factor. The index factor shall be calculated by one of the following methods:
1) the ratio of
gross annual income earned by a nonresident legal entity from doing business in
the Republic of Kazakhstan through a permanent establishment during the tax
period to the total gross annual income of the nonresident legal entity as a
whole for the same tax period;
2) the average of
the following three indicators:
the ratio of gross
annual income earned by a nonresident legal entity from doing business in the
Republic of Kazakhstan through a permanent establishment during the tax period
to the total gross annual income of the nonresident legal entity as a whole for
the same tax period;
the ratio of the
value of fixed assets recorded in the financial statement of the permanent
establishment in the Republic of Kazakhstan as of the end of the tax period, to
the total value of the fixed assets of the nonresident legal entity as a whole
in the same tax period;
the ratio of the
wages fund for personnel employed at the permanent establishment in the
Republic of Kazakhstan as of the end of the tax period to the wages fund for
personnel of the nonresident legal entity as a whole in the same tax period.
A nonresident legal entity can determine independently which of the
aforementioned methods for calculation of the index factor will be used.
The amount of management and general administrative expenses arrived
at through these calculations shall be taken as a deduction charged to the
permanent establishment only if supporting documents are available. Supporting
documents shall include:
1) a copy of the
financial statements of the nonresident legal entity in which the following is
indicated, depending on the index factor chosen by the nonresident legal
the total amount
of gross annual income as a whole;
the total amount
of the wages fund as a whole;
the original and
residual value of fixed assets as a whole;
the total amount
of expenses, with an item-by-item breakdown, including a breakdown of the total
amount of management and general administrative expenses;
2) a copy of an
audit opinion based on an audit of the nonresident legal entity’s financial
statements (if an audit of the legal entity’s financial statements has been
A statement of the
aforementioned expenses that are taken, as a deduction charged to a permanent
establishment in the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be attached to the corporate
income tax return filed with the appropriate tax authority of the Republic of
Kazakhstan. In the event that the amount of management and general
administrative expenses subject to proportional distribution is not indicated
in the financial statements, these expenses shall not be taken as deductions
charged to a permanent establishment.
2.7.2 Direct deduction of expenses method
When the direct deduction method is used for a nonresident’s
management and general administrative expenses, these expenses shall be taken
as a deduction charged to a permanent establishment in the Republic of
Kazakhstan if they can be determined directly and were incurred directly for
the purposes of earning income from doing business in the Republic of
Kazakhstan through a permanent establishment. Said expenses shall be taken as
deductions charged to a permanent established only if supporting documents are
available. Supporting documents shall include:
1) accounting
records confirming expenses incurred by the nonresident legal entity on the
territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the purposes of earning income from
doing business through the permanent establishment;
2) copies of
accounting records confirming expenses incurred by the nonresident legal entity
outside the Republic of Kazakhstan for the purposes of earning income from
doing business in the Republic of Kazakhstan through the permanent
2.7.3 Procedure for payment of the income tax on income earned by
nonresidents from activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan not leading to the
creation of a permanent establishment
The procedure for payment of the income tax provided for under this
statement shall apply to the income of a nonresident from activity in the
Republic of Kazakhstan that does not lead to the creation of a permanent
establishment in accordance with the provisions of an international agreement,
with the exception of income referred to in Articles 199–202 of Tax Code Of RK,
except as otherwise provided under said statements. A nonresident mentioned
above of this article that earns income from sources in the Republic of
Kazakhstan shall have the right to apply the procedure for payment of the
income tax provided for under this article. In the event that the provisions of
this article are not applied, a tax agent shall be required to withhold the
income tax at the source of payment and transfer it to the state budget in
accordance with the generally established procedure. A nonresident earning income,
a tax agent, and a resident bank (referred to hereinafter as a bank) identified
by a tax agent, shall conclude a conditional bank deposit agreement following
the form agreed upon by the parties to the agreement, taking into account the
provisions of this article. Within ten business days of the signing of a
conditional bank deposit agreement, a tax agent shall be required to register
the agreement with a tax authority, and a copy of the agreement, as well as a
copy of the payment document confirming the transfer of income tax to a
conditional bank deposit, shall be submitted to the tax authority. The
provisions of this article shall extend only to conditional bank deposit
agreements that have been registered with a tax authority. Conditional bank
deposit agreements, the terms of which do not contradict the provisions of this
article, shall be subject to registration. At the time income is paid to a
nonresident, a tax agent shall be required to withhold income tax at the source
of payment at the rate specified under Article 180 of Tax Code, and to transfer
the tax that has been withheld to the conditional bank deposit at a bank, in
favor of the nonresident. In the case of compliance with the terms of an
international agreement, in order to obtain a refund of income tax that has
previously been withheld, a nonresident shall file a request with the tax
authority following the procedure and form established by the authorized
government agency.. The tax authority shall review said request and the
required documents, it shall make a decision regarding the request, and it
shall notify the nonresident and the bank of the decision. Upon receipt of a
request for a refund of income tax that has been withheld, which has been
certified by a tax authority, a bank shall grant the nonresident who submitted
the request the right to dispose of funds placed in the conditional bank
deposit, up to the amount indicated in the request, plus bank interest that has
accrued. In the event that a nonresident does not agree with a negative
decision by the tax authority, the nonresident shall have the right within ten
business days of the receipt of such a decision to file a request with the
authorized government agency (with the involvement of the competent authority
of the nonresident’s country of residence, if necessary), asking that the
matter be reviewed again to determine the proper application of the provisions
of the international agreement, and the tax authority shall be notified at the
same time of the appeal of its decision. In the event that a negative decision
is made regarding a request and if no notification of an appeal of the tax
authority’s decision is received from a nonresident within the established
deadline, within ten business days of the nonresident’s receipt of the refusal
to apply the provisions of an international agreement, the tax authority shall
forward a collection order to the bank calling for transfer of the amount
indicated in the request and placed in a conditional bank deposit, plus bank
interest that has accrued, to the state budget, accompanied by a document
confirming the refusal to exempt the nonresident from taxation. A bank shall be
required, within one business day of the receipt from the tax authority of
documents referred above, to transfer the amount of income tax placed in the
conditional bank deposit, plus bank interest that has accrued, to the state
budget. The amount of tax collected shall be credited against the nonresident’s
obligations to the state budget. Conditional bank deposits shall be opened in
the national currency or in a foreign currency. In the event that conditional
bank deposits are opened in a foreign currency, the income tax and bank
interest shall be transferred to the budget in the national currency, after
being converted at the official rate of the National Bank of the Republic of
Kazakhstan at the time the tax is paid. A nonresident and a tax agent shall not
have the right to dispose of income tax placed in a conditional bank deposit
until a decision of some kind is reached by the tax authority. In the event
that the terms of a conditional bank deposit agreement are violated and income
tax that has been withheld is not transferred to the state budget in a timely
manner, through the fault of the bank, the bank shall bear liability in
accordance with legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. If it is not
possible for a bank to meet its obligations to transfer income tax placed in a
conditional bank deposit to the state budget, the obligation to transfer income
tax collected at the source of payment, bank interest, and fines for the late
transfer of tax to the state budget shall be assigned to the tax agent. Tax
authorities shall be required to maintain a record of the amount of income tax:
1) placed in
conditional bank deposits;
2) paid to
nonresidents who have the right to apply the provisions of international
3) transferred to
the state budget.
2.7.4 Procedure for the application of an international agreement
with respect to taxation of income from providing transportation services in
international shipping
Income from providing transportation services in international
shipping in which the Republic of Kazakhstan is one of the parties, earned by a
nonresident legal entity that has the right to apply the provisions of an
international agreement, shall be exempt from taxation without the filing of a
request for application of the provisions of the international agreement, on
the basis of a document confirming residency, if the legal entity has a
permanent establishment in the Republic of Kazakhstan that is related to this
activity. In this case the nonresident legal entity shall be required to
maintain a separate record of income earned from providing transportation
services in international shipping (which is not subject to taxation pursuant
to an international agreement) and from providing transportation services on
the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan (subject to taxation), and also to
reflect said income in a corporate income tax return. The total amount of
taxable income indicated in a corporate income tax return shall be reduced by
the amount of taxable income that is exempt from taxation pursuant to an
international agreement, calculated on the basis of the separate accounting
records. In the event of the unlawful application of the provisions of an
international agreement, which results in nonpayment, or incomplete payment of
tax to the state budget, the taxpayer shall bear liability in accordance with
legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Income earned by a nonresident legal entity that has the right to
apply the provisions of an international agreement, from the operation of means
of transport in international shipping in which the Republic of Kazakhstan is
one of the parties, without the creation of a permanent establishment in the
Republic of Kazakhstan, shall be exempt from taxation in accordance with the
procedure established under Article 198 of Tax Code.
2.7.5 Procedure for the application of an international agreement
with regard to the taxation of dividends, interest, and royalties
At the time that income is paid to a nonresident in the form of
dividends, interest, or royalties, a tax agent shall have the right to apply
the provisions of the respective international agreement without the filing by
the nonresident of a request for application of the provisions of an
international agreement, on the basis of a document confirming residency, if
the nonresident in question is the final recipient of the income and has the
right to apply the provisions of an international agreement. A tax agent shall
be required to indicate in the statement of income tax collected at the source
of payment which is filed with a tax authority the amount of income paid
(accrued) and taxes withheld in accordance with the provisions of international
agreements, the income tax rates, and the names of the international
agreements. In the event of the unlawful application of the provisions of an
international agreement which results in nonpayment or incomplete payment of
tax to the state budget, the tax agent shall bear liability in accordance with
legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2.7.6 Procedure for the application of an international agreement
with regard to the taxation of net income from doing business through a
permanent establishment
A nonresident shall have the right to apply the provisions of an
international agreement with regard to the taxation of net income from doing
business in the Republic of Kazakhstan through a permanent establishment without
filing a request for application of the provisions of an international
agreement, on the basis of a document confirming residency, if the nonresident
in question is the final recipient of the net income and has the right to apply
the provisions of the respective international agreement. A nonresident legal
entity shall be required to indicate in a corporate income tax return the tax
rate, the amount of tax on net income, and the name of the international
agreement on the basis of which the respective tax rate was applied. In the
event of the unlawful application of the provisions of an international
agreement which results in nonpayment or incomplete payment of tax to the state
budget, the taxpayer shall bear liability in accordance with legislative acts
of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2.7.7 Procedure for the application of an international agreement
with regard to the taxation of other income from sources in the Republic of
A nonresident earning income from sources in the Republic of Kazakhstan,
with the exception of those referred to in Articles 198–201 of Tax Code, shall
have the right to file a request to apply the provisions of an international
agreement, following the form established by the authorized government agency,
with the tax authority where the tax agent is registered, prior to the payment
of the income. A tax authority shall review the request, and if the information
indicated in the request is valid, it shall certify the request as filed.In the
event of the unlawful application of the provisions of an international
agreement, the tax authority shall deny the request and inform the nonresident
of its reasons for doing so. In the event that a nonresident does not agree
with a tax authority’s negative decision, the nonresident shall have the right
to file a request with the authorized government agency (with the involvement
of the competent authority of the nonresident’s country of residence, if
necessary), asking that the matter be reviewed again to determine the proper
application of the provisions of the international agreement.
2.7.8 General requirements for the filing of a request to apply the
provisions of an international agreement
A request to apply the provisions of an international agreement,
following the form established by the authorized government agency, shall be
accepted by a tax authority provided that the following requirements are met:
1) the application
is accompanied by:
copies of
contracts (agreements, accords) for the performance of work (delivery of
services) or for other purposes;
copies of charter
a breakdown of
income from providing transportation services in international shipping and on
the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
a certificate of
work performed when the nonresident performs various types of work, an
operational use certificate when construction work is performed, and an invoice
or payment document confirming the receipt of income for services provided;
2) the tax agent
submits accounting records confirming the amount of income accrued and/or paid
and the taxes withheld;
3) there is
confirmation of the applicant’s residency by a competent or authorized body of
the applicant’s state, with which the Republic of Kazakhstan has concluded an
international agreement (on the request form itself or in the form of an
attached document confirming residency). For the purposes of this article and
Articles 198–202 of this Code, a nonresident that has the right to apply the
provisions of the respective international agreement, in the event of a change
in its registration data in the country of residence, shall be required to
present a document confirming residency that indicates the changes in these
data, following the procedure established by said articles;
4) diplomatic or
consular authorities provide legal validation of the signature and official
seal of the agency that certified the residency of the nonresident (a document
confirming residency), following the procedure established by the legislation
of the Republic of Kazakhstan or an international agreement to which the
Republic of Kazakhstan is a party.
of taxes withheld and paid in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Nonresident can request from tax authority a certificate indicating
the amount of income earned from sources in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the
taxes withheld and tax authority shall provide it.
creates not worst Tax system among CIS counties for Foreign Direct Investment.
Country realized many term and conditions to attract investors and make simply
legislation. Within county work many foreign companies and foreigners in
different industries. Domestic enterprises make the business with nonresidents
enterprises or with their branches and their representatives, which located in
territory of Kazakhstan within framework of external trade agreements.
Foreigners earn here money by using our natural
resources, or by providing services to our company. And it is important how
much they will pay tax to Kazakhstan budget. By level of collection of tax depend
the level of social support that may do by government. The following special
tax privileges are available for the effective realization of investment
projects in the priority sectors:
state grants;
exemption from land and property tax for
a period up to 5 years after the conclusion of the contract;
exemption from income tax for a period
of up to 5 years from the moment of receiving the taxable supply, but for not
more than 8 years from the conclusion of the contract;
full or partial exemption from customs
duty assessments for importation of equipment and raw materials needed to
fulfill the investment project.
In 1997 there were developed direct foreign investments
in the amount of $1830.8 mln., with regard to repayment of credit according to
the schedule there were developed $1176.8 mln.
The main direct investors in 1997 were non-residents
from the states of far abroad, among which the first place on developing direct
foreign investments belongs to Japan with investments in $ 381.5 mln, then -
USA ($ 207.4 mln.) and Great Britain ($ 241.4 mln.).
Level of Taxation usually depends on
status of company or persons. It is very important is a company/ person
resident or not, does nonresident perform entrepreneurship through permanent
establishment or not. Resident entities are taxable on their worldwide income
received or accrued within a reporting period (calendar year) at the 30% basic
tax rate (The amount of taxable income is determined by subtracting deductible
expenses and deductions on fixed assets from gross income). Income of
nonresident entities derived from carrying on business in Kazakhstan through a
permanent establishment is subject to taxation under the same rules as income
of Kazakhstan residents. Nonresident entities are subject to taxation on income
received from Kazakhstan sources. Incomes from Kazakhstan sources, except
income in the form of dividend (15%), remunerations (the interest) (15%), insurance payments (10%), telecommunication or transport services in international network
or transportation between RK and the other state (5%), taxed on corresponding to rate, are taxed by tax beside the
source of the payment at rate 20 percents. As we can see nonresidents pay at
less tax rates as residents. So nonresident taxation have important meaning to
Kazakhstan. It means that if government will not clearly realize this problem,
government may find miss a big amount of money in budget, that may needed for
other thing; defense, education, social security etc. In the cases then
foreigners or local company/ person decide use Nonresident taxation legislation
to reduce its tax burden. Government should clearly determine the conception of
Residency and Nonresidential, to avoid abuse in determination of residency.
Clearly determine taxed incomes of nonresidents through permanent
establishment. Determine list of the taxable incomes of nonresidents.
Clear and stable taxes let to
improve investment climate in Republic, also it lead to development of
entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan, because now many domestic companies receive,
commonly, services from foreign companies in applying new technologies,
training of staff, reclamation of new types of services, expanding markets for
goods and services.
Since independence the legal system of the country has undergone
considerable reforms. The new constitution and a number of new constitutional
laws on state system and governmental bodies of Kazakhstan have been passed.
Amendments were introduced to the Civil, Criminal and Tax Codes, trade and
investment regulations and other legal acts regulating the major aspects of the
country life.
Taxes – is basic sources of incomes of the state so the dominant motivation for taxation in any counties is to finance
public administration and the public provision of economic and social service.
Second motivations are the redistribution of income and correction of market
imperfections. But also tax creates distortions in the economy that reduce the
real income of taxpayers by more than amount of revenue that is transferred to
the government. This occurs when taxpayers either modify their behavior in an
attempt to reduce their tax burdens or spend resources in evading taxes. Taxes are used for economic influence of the state on public
manufacture, its structure, and on condition of scientific and technical
progress. By tax government may discourage domestic production and foreign
investments. So government should balanced between public
provision of economic and social service, and level of taxation. The appropriate
level of taxation depends on a country’s desired role for the state, the
efficiency and equity of its public spending, and the efficiency and equity of
its tax structure and administration. The Government of Kazakhstan is clearly
aware of this and continues to make steady progress in developing its tax
system to fit the realities of modern business in the global economy.
Consideration of Nonresident taxation is important because this tax
may use as a loophole for avoiding or decreasing tax burden of taxpayers. Level
of tax payments is critical to the economic development of Kazakhstan as
sovereign state.
So it can decrease level of tax collection and level of social
expenditures. Lead to social instability in society.
Sources: Statistics
Agency of RK, 2001
Sources: Statistics
Agency of RK, 2001
Appendix B
Sources: Statistics Agency of RK, 2001
The tax revenue in the consolidated budget has shown a rising trend
in the last two years. The performance of domestic taxes (particularly VAT and
Excises) has been improving.
Income Tax
from Legal Entaties
Income Tax
from Physical Persons
Land Tax
Ownership Tax
Social Tax
Property Tax
Sources: Statistics Agency of RK, 2001
1. Law of Republic
of Kazakhstan from January 1, 2002 " Law on Taxes
and other obligatory Payments to the Budget "
2. " Law on Taxes and other obligatory Payments to the Budget " Chapter 7 “Features of Taxation on Nonresidents Income”
(with changes from January 1, 2002)
3. Bulletin of
Accountant, “Tax Code about Taxation of Operation with Nonresidents of RK
" (Print house “BIKO” Almaty, 2001) / 1 – 35/
4. Hodorovich,
Mihail Ivanovich 1997, Taxation of Individuals /p25 – 40/
5. Lessons of Tax
Reform, World Bank Publication /15 – 25/
6. National
Statistics Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan, Short Statistics annual edition of
Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty, 2001) /130 – 135/
7. Kazakhstan
Public Expenditure Review, June 27, 2000 (Document of the World Bank)
p /12- 15/
8. Macroeconomics,
Timothy Tregarthen 1996 /p328 –340/