Phraseological unit as a newspaper title

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Phraseological unit as a newspaper title


Introduction1. Phraseology as a science.

1.1 Semantic structures of phraseological units

.2 Classification of phraseological units2. Functional style.

2.1 Classifications of functional styles

.2 Features of newspaper style

Chapter 3. Peculiarities of the title.

.1 Role of the title in revealing conceptual information of the text

.2 Phraseological unit as a newspaper title and its functionslist of used literature


is the treasury of the language. There is a reflection of the nations history in phraseological units, originality of culture and life. Phraseology often carries bright national character.

The subject matter of this qualification paper is that phraseology as a science reveals peculiarites of phraseological units in language in connection with other levels of language. It also studies sementical, structural-grammatical, expressive-stylistical property of phraseological units, pecularities of its usage, make its classificiation look though sources and ways of filling up phraseological found of the language.

The object of this qualification paper is devoted to study the role of phraseological unit in the language and use of phrraseologucal units as a newspaper title.

The actuality of the qualification paper is determined by the necessity phraseological units in newspaper title.linguistic phenomenon, which is phraseological unit, will be investigated in modern methods. The analysis will be used to achieve the aim and tasks put forward in this qualification paper.

The aim and hypothesis require solving the following tasks:

to study semantic peculiarities of phraseological units.

to investigade functional styles, in paticularly features of newspaper style.

to analyze peculiarities of the title and the role of the phraseological unit in newspaper style.

Theoretical importance of qualification paper consists in the material ofunits which deals with functional style and newspaper title.

Practical value of the qualification paper is that in the results of the paper can be used in course of lexicology, phraseology and stylistics Besides the material of the paper can be while preparing for seminars by the discipline named above, writing the course papers and qualification papers.

The structure of qualification paper consists of introduction, 3 chapters, conclusion, summary and bibliografy. The chapter I consists of 3 paragraphs:

1.Functional style

2.Classification of functional style

.Features of new style

Chapter III consists of phragraphs:

1.Pecularities of the title

2.Role of the title in revealing conceptual information of the text.

.Phraselogical unit as a newspaper tutle.

The sources of the qualification paper. While investigating the qualification paper we have widely used different works of well known scientists such as Азнаурова Э.С., Амосова Н.Н., Арнолъд И.В., Ашурова Д.У., Галперин И.В., Жуков В.П., Бранде М.П. and etc.the conclusion, we present the results of the qualification paper.includes theoritical and practical results of the qualification paper.

Chapter 1. Phraseology as science

.1 Semantic structure of the phraseological units

In linguistics <#"justify">History of the development of phraseology

Gabriele Knappe gives a quick look at the history of phraseology. Phraseology is a scholarly approach to language which developed in the twentieth century. It took its start when Charles Bally's notion of locutions phraseologiques entered Russian lexicology <#"justify">Chapter 3. Peculiarities of the title

.1 Role of the title in revealing conceptual information of the text

headline is an integral part of newspaper publication. The first things with what the reader faces - a name of publication. Headline is the first signal, spurring you to read the material or postpone the newspaper aside. Anticipating text, headline carries certain information on contents of publicity the particularity of the headline of the text? This is an element of the work, having twofold nature.the one hand, this is a language structure, anticipating text, standing before it. So headline is preserved as speech element, residing outside of the text and having definite independence. On the one hand ,headline - is a complete component of the text. Failing into it and connected with the other components of colorant work. Alongside with beginning, the medium, with the ending, headline forms definite plan of the text. The possibility of the title in influencing the reader is defined that, alongside with the beginning and ending of the text, it occupies the stylistic strong position.newspaper title can express any semantic structure of the text, about which went the speech above.the first classification of the title is differed depending on the one or several elements of the semantic scheme of the text express the headline. The unidirectional complex titles stand out on this sign.unidirectional titles match up with as elements semantic structure of the text. Majority of the headlines express the theme of the text. Theme of the text included in its central idea. This is a thesis, which opens the systems of the thesis, forming the text. The main idea includes the theme of the text. One of the main purposes of the headline is to reporter the reader about the subject of the text, which newspaper offer.headline of the newspaper text actualizes the analytical estimation of situations, reflected in it. Such nature has a significant number of selected headlines.idea of the text is formed in whole interpretation. Such titles before reading the newspaper material prepare the reader to perception of ideological meaning; publication is understood immediately in determined key. Ideological meaning is perceived twice: the first, before acquaintance with text, than after reading the whole text.headline actualized one of the themes, developing idea of the text. This is an element of the text pertaining to its general contents. Except the main elements of the general contents of the text, the headline can actualized its secondary elements.optional or secondary which is the expressed in name, being expressive, and headline attracts readers attention.newspaper title much often expresses evaluation background, which present in every elements of its profound scheme. The evaluation headline adjusts the reader on definite perception of the message. Forecasts the attitude to that, what is spoken about.complex headlines match up with several elements of the structural scheme of the text simultaneously. They will transfer complicated information. The complex headline actualizes simultaneously the idea and gives estimation to situation, characters, events and etc. the second classification of the title is based on that, completely or not or another element of the text is reflected in. the text represents itself as a system of bilabial structure consists of idea and its sign. In expressing some semantic element of the text, the titles are divided into fully informative and in partially informative types, actualizing semantic component of the text.informative headline can reflect either theme of the whole text, or central idea, or any element, developing central idea. Fully informative headline can be nominative or predicative. Nominative titles name is the theme of the whole the role of the sign on the text similarly to personal names, which names geographical object, plant, steamship, living being and etc. The predicative headline represent itself unrolled theme, containing central or main idea. Such titles are more informative and can give the fullest production about the text. The second type of headlines is a partially informative one. They express not whole theme, consisting of subject and predicate, but only one of its part - as logical theme. The partially informative turtles are rather widespread in newspaper. They meet even in brief items.elements of the text (the beginning, ending) are one of the aspects of the connection of the headline with text. The title of the text enters in especially close connections with these elements of the text exactly. The headline, beginning, and the ending - these are the three strong elements of the text in perception. The addressee of information - a reader - in the first place pays attention to these elements of the text.main way of the reading, perception any text lays - from beginning to the ending. Text are perceived by reader (or listener) not instantly, but gradually, usually by reading the text from beginning to the ending1.expressive correlation of the analyzed components on the text appears then when they enter in direct connection. The headline by some means is repeated in initial lines of the text, it is brought forth onward, specially occupies stylistic strong position. Herewith readers attention is pointed on idea, comprised in title.all this promotes to the active perception of the text.of one lexical- semantic field are repeated. The lexical repetition of the word from headline at the beginning can be accompanied by the question that arouses the readers interest and forces the reader to address to text.close semantic connection of the title and rented idea appears then, when at the beginning referring element is used, the reader is goes back to the headline and direct perception of the text.newspaper -style is a system interconnected lexical, phraseological and grammatical means, special linguistically phenomena, executing informative function. Organization of the language elements of style depends on extra linguistic factors.specifics soft the newspaper as public phenomena and general specifics of mass communication confess newspaper is more specifics. The newspaper is a media and faculty of the belief. It is indented for mass and besides much not uniform auditorium, which she must hold, forces to read. Thence necessity to organize newspaper and to transfer information quickly, briefly, report main even through article (text) will not be read up to the end, and have on reader definite emotional influence. Text must not require from reader a preliminary preparation, dependency from context must be minimum.with usual, constantly relocated themes in newspaper appear any themes, which are actual. Then these new situation and arguments begin be repeated. Journalists usually has not no time for careful processing the material, conducts to quotient to use stamp. All this and creates the peculiar features factors of the newspaper text.structure of the text, referring to newspaper style, is characterized by the following general sentences:

. Small length of the text under headline;

. Unevenness of the sharing the semantic load between headline and remaining part of the text, under which headline possesses higher predictability.features of the newspaper style on lexical - phraseological level are also conditioned by functional tasks of the newspaper. Some linguistics define following features of newspaper style:

. Abundanced of the firm word - combination which are not of phraseological nature;

. Presence of newspaper lexicon and phraseological units, possessing notions of political and economic nature;

. Absence of modality in elements of newspaper language;

. The communication task of the newspaper is to impact uponopinion, force to read the newspaper, - showing extra linguistics stimulus, under influence that, on page of the newspapers appear non- standard for newspaper language expressive and emotional phraseological units. The particularities of meaning of phraseological units define specifics of their functioning in language of the newspaper.newspaper articles as any communicative activity, differs with its of purpose. The purpose of the article defines the language means of its expression.communicative effect1 can influence on receptor:

) In purely information sphere;

) In motivation;

) In behaviour and in combinations of all these obvious, that process of communication is not only transmission of information. It associated with definite influence on different spheres of activity and consciousnesses of the person.1 headline expresses estimation to the event, character or event to anything described or informed in the newspaper text.virtue of its close interaction with the content of the text, the title has great importance for revealing conceptual information. Sometimes in explicit and concrete forms, sometimes in veiled and implicit form, the title expresses they scheme, idea, concept incarnated by the author in the text. Comprising the quintessence of the books content, the title represents the nucleus of the content conceptual information. At first, the title denotes a vague abstract notion; later on, it fills with concrete meaning.the course of plat development, the words chosen by the author for the title begin to acquire some additional, connotative shades of the meaning, extend their semantic structure. The title can be metaphorically depicted as a wand up spiral, revealing its potentialities in the process of unwinding.2an example, we can take a little of W. Sarayons story Laughter. The story describes a small episode from school life. Its content cam briefly reduce to the following: the teacher, Miss Wissing, makes her pupil Ben laugh for a whole hour, because he had laughed at the lesson. Laughter - a punishment! Laughter under coercion! The conceptions expressed by the word laughter in the aspect described concrete of laughter, containing a positive emotional evolution. The writer imparts quite a different shade of meaning to the word laughter. It is associated development alongside in the time with the unfolding of the context information.the initial lines (You want me to laugh? he felt lonely and ill in the empty classroom…) comprise the contrast of mood, rooting on the side, in the word Laugh and, on the other side, in the words ill, lonely. This contract is increased by the conveyance of feelings experienced by the boy: surprise, perplexity (it was strange), fear (it was frightening), disgust (it was disgusting), sorrow, sympathy (he left sorry, he felt sorry), and shame (he was ashamed, shameful weeping in his voice). Revealing the childs inner struggle the writer shows how the text of the story is modifying the semantics of the title, which acquires the following implicit meanings: pity and sorrow, indignation and contempt, sympathy and support.often, the title of imaginative texts is connected with content- conceptual information only indirectly.the meaning of a title is veiled by a metaphor or metonymy. In E. Caldwells story Wilds flowers, the title, expressed by the a metaphor, helps the reader to penetrate deeper into the content of the story, to understand its idea. The story shows tragic destiny of two young people dismissed and evicted by the pro-praetor. The main ides of the story lines on the surface -it exposes the brutal foundation of bourgeois society. Using the example of the young family, which for failing to pay the rent was turned, out of the hose in sprite of the* fact the young woman was expecting a child, the author shows the calamitous position of the destitute working class and exposes cruelty and inhumanity of the exploitative class. The tile of the story Wilds flowers Prompts one more idea to us. Even before reading he story one can feel that the title present a metaphor comprising a poetic image and this fact helps to create a caretaking emit ideal predisposition. The character of the personages mutual relations-their genuine love, care concern for each other-acquire special significance. In some of his stories Caldwell speaks about the influence of poverty in human soul, how poverty instigates hungry people to treachery, to mean action and crimes. However in this story we see the opposite-torment sufferings and hard conditions do not embitter the hearts of people, do not kill their love. If we retrospectively reconsider the whole the whole story in this aspect, we will see the possibility at a new interpretation promoted by the title of the story. The poetic image of wild flowers which bloom irrespective of conditions and circumstances, irrespective of the soil, on which they grow, exhaling fragrance and giving pleasure for the eyes, helps the author to show courage, staunchness, strength of spirit and love of the two young people who preserved their tender feeling in spite of the hard human conditions in which they found themselves. Will flowers is not a tragic story; it also symbolizes belief in kindness, love and beauty.title - symbol reflects the content - conceptual information in the most conspicicucous manner. The title of J. Galswothys novel the white monkey can serve as an example. The image of the white monkey, given in the title, symbolizes ravage ness of the younger generation of the English bourgeoisie. It is an image of the white monkey from the Chinese picture, which Soames presented to his daughter.monkey is eating an orange dissatisfaction. In the yearning eyes of the monkey, in her troubled look and dissatisfaction Galwothery incarnates the perception of the life by the younger generation have no faith, no aim in life, no moral principles to guide their conduct possibly to classify titles according to their form and CCI or CFI reflected in them:

) a title symbol;

) a title thesis;

) a title-quotation;

) a title-report;

) a tile-hint;

) a title narration.

.2 Phraseological unit as a newspaper title and its functions

The role of the title in capturing readers attention is great. Studding, the role the title we came to the conclusion that the title has the following functions:

1) Estimating function, this can be divided into two subgroups:) positive estimation:blood. The Economist. Feb. 3rd - 9th, 2001.of approval. The Economist. Aug. 26 - Sept. 1, 2000.) negative estimationheadlines, certainly, informs on positive facts. Using phraseological units in headline can realize negative estimation, hereunder prepares the reader to receive corresponding information.Blood Newsweek. Nov. 22nd, 1993.the rocks. The Economist. Aug. 26th - Sept. 1st, 2000.many leaders, so little point. The Wall Street Journal. Sep. 8-9, 2000.and buildings societies stand to take your money. The Times. Nov. 15 2002. What went wrong in Oldham,, The week. Jun. 23, 2001.some linguists emphasize one more type of estimation: zero or neutral estimation.

) Advertising function.function of the headline consists in giving the short information of the entitled text.on its own hook. The economist. Jan. 30 - Feb. 5, 1993.the man trying to Sell the Freedom party. The Wall Street. Sep. 8-9, 2000.One in crisis as backers hit the brackers. The Wall Street. Sep. 8-9, 2000.gets help to find the wqy ahead. The Times . Nov. 15,

.little Jaz, a litlle blues. The Times. Nov. 15, 2002.mergers go wrong. The Economist. July 22² - 28, 2000.

) Expressive function.headline leads the reader in situation, gives him a landmark, about the article, influences upon reader.phraseological units in headline gives expressiveness.Bank¢s new brooms. The Economist. Jan.30 ~Feb. 5, 1993.with ¢troubling¢ties hold USA Today, Nov. 30, 2001in a spin. The Economist. July 22nd - 28¢, 2000on wheels. The Economist. Aug. 26 - Sept. 1st, 2000.units in headline cause advertising function of the headline. Such headline attracts attention of the reader, does not contain information, allowing beforehand judge about contents of the article.the shadows. The Economist. Aug. 26th -Sept. 1st, 2000. The worn. The Economists. Feb. 3rd - 9th, The Economists. Jan. 30 th - Feb. 5th, I.V. Arnold one of the style forming features of the newspaper lexicon, is the use of the proper names: toponyms, anthroponomy, names of the instructions, organization and etc. the use of the proper names (the name of the politicians, organization and etc), has the neglect occurrence.

Conclusionis science, about phraseological units, which are firm word combinations with complicated semantically structure.forming the phrase, the human factors plays an enormous role, science suppressing majority of phraseolgical units are connected with human being, with varied sphere of his activity. Phraseological units fill the lexical system of the language, which cannot completely provide the description of human activity, and in most cases are single indication of human, characteristics, his activities, conditions situations etc.base to making phraseology, can lie any semantic sign of the subject or phenomena surrounding reality, finding the reflection in semantic as word- combination as a whole, or separate words, connotation and functional stylistic meanings are defined by contents of the ²internal image of the phrase, as well as by the nature of the semantic shift in it.process of making phraseological units, word- combinations may change their meaning.share the definition given by V.V. Vinogradov gives such definition to the functional style: ²Style is a public realized, functional conditioned, intrinsically united collection of devoices of the use,and combinations of the communication means in sphere of that or other national or international language. Correlative with other such way of talking, which serves for other integer, executes other functions in speech public practical person given folk².of linguistics define five main functional styles:

) The style of the artistic prose;

) Scientific style;

) newspaper-style;

) Publicity style;

) Style official document, or officially business style.newspaper style may be defined as a system of interrelated lexical, phraseolodical and grammatical means, which is perceived by the community speaking the language as a separate unity that serves the purpose of the informing and instructing the reader.headline is an integral part of newspaper publication the first thing with what the reader faces - a name of publication. Headline is a first signal, spurring you to read the material or postpone the newspaper aside. Anticipating text, headline carries certain information on contents of publicity work.of headline expresses the theme of the text. Theme of the text included in its central idea. Some headlines of the newspaper text actualized the analytical estimation of situations, reflected in it.phraseological units in headline can realize negative estimation.units in headline cause advertising and intriuging function of the headline.


is a branch of linguistics, studying the word groups. The word ²phreaseological units² has very different meaning. In linguistics literature the term has come to be for whole ensemble of expressions where the meaning of one element is dependent of the other, irrespective of the structure and the properties of the unit.qualification paper is devoted to study the role of phraseological unit in the language and use of phrraseologucal units as a newspaper title.of the qualification paper is determined by the necessity phraseological units in newspaper title.linguistic phenomenon, which is phraseological unit, will be investigated in modern methods. The analysis will be used to achieve the aim and tasks put forward in this qualification paper. The aim and hypothesis require solving the following tasks:

to study semantic peculiarities of phraseological units.

to investigate functional styles, in particularly features of newspaper style.

to analyze peculiarities of the title and the role of the phraseological unit in Newspaper style.importance of qualification paper consists in the material of phraseological units which deals with functional style and newspaper title. Practical value of the qualification paper is that in the results of the paper can be used in course of lexicology, phraseology and stylistics besides the material of the paper can be while preparing for seminars by the discipline named above, writing the course papers and qualification papers.structure of qualification paper consists of introduction, 3 chapters, conclusion, summary and bibliography.chapter I consist of 3 paragraphs:

. Phraseology as a science.

. Semantic structure of the phraseological units.

. Classification of the phraseological units.chapter 2 consists of 3 paragraphs:

. Classification of functional style.

. Features of new style.3 consists of paragraphs:

. Peculiarities of the title.

. Role of the title in revealing conceptual information of the text.

. Phraselogical unit as a newspaper title.the conclusion, we present the results of the qualification paper. Summary includes theoretical and practical results of the qualification paper. In the bibliography we give the list of used books and other literature.

The list of used literature

1. Азнаурова Э.С. Прагматика текстов различных функциональных стилей. Москва , 1987.

. Алехина А.И. Исследование системной организации фразеологии современного англ. языка. Афтореферат дисс…д-ра фил. наук. - Л.: ЛГУ, 1986.

. Амосова Н.Н. Основы англ. фразеологии. - Л.: ЛГУ, 1963.

. Арнолъд И.В. Стилистика современного языка - Л., 1981.

. Арутюнова Н.Д. Истоки пролемы и категории прагматики. - Вып. ХVI. - М.: Прогресс, 1985

. Ашурова Д.У. Стилистические и прагматические аспекты словообразования англ. яз. - Ташкент: УзГУМЯ им Тореза, 1983.

. Беркова Л.А. Прагматический аспект использования фразеологизмов в рекламных текстах. - М.: МГПИИЯ им Тореза, 1983.

. Болдырева Л.М. Стилистические особенности функционирования фразеологизмов. - М., 1967.

. Бранде М.П. Стиль и перевод. - М., 1988.

. Бушуй А.М. Замена компонентов фразеологизмов как стилистический прием. - М., 1977.

. Гаврин С.Г. Фразеология современного русского языка. - Пермь, 1974.

. Гальперин И.В. Очерки по стилистике английского языка. - М., 1958.

. Жуков В.П. Семантика фразеологический оборотов. - М.: Просвещение, 1978.

. Кожина М.Н. Стилистика русского языка. - М., 1983.

. Кунин А. В фразеологизм современного английского языка.- М., 1986.

. Лазерина Э.А. Заголовок в газете. Свердловск: Изд-во Уральского Университета, 1989.

. Мужев В.С. О функциях заголовков. - М.: МГПИИЯ им Тореза, 1970.

. Разинкина Н.М. Функциональная стилистика. Пермь, 1989.

. Старницкий А.Н. Лексикология английского языка, Москва, 1956.

22. Net Library Online Reader Version].

23. Англо-русский фразеологический словарь, Кунин. 4 изд., М, Русский язык 1984

. Ахманова О.С. Словарь лингвистических терминов, М, 1966.

. Гальперин И.Р. и др. Большой англо - русский словарь в 2-х томах, М, 1972

. Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь, М., Советская энциклопедия, 1990.

. Словарь иностранных слов, М, Русский язык 1989.

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